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Borrowed Knowledge Spells Backgrounds And Items In Dd 5e

Borrowed Knowledge: Spells, Backgrounds, and Items in D&D 5e


The Borrowed Knowledge spell allows you to draw on the knowledge of another creature. This can be a useful spell for gathering information, solving puzzles, or learning new skills. The spell requires a book worth at least 25 gp as a material component. You must also succeed on an Intelligence (Investigation) check against the target creature's Intelligence score. If you succeed, you can ask the target creature a question and it must answer truthfully to the best of its ability.

There are many creative uses for the Borrowed Knowledge spell. For example, you could use it to:

  • Learn the location of a hidden treasure.
  • Find out the weaknesses of a powerful enemy.
  • Translate a foreign language.
  • Gain knowledge of a particular subject, such as history or medicine.


The Borrowed Knowledge background gives you proficiency in the History and Arcana skills. You also gain the ability to cast the Minor Illusion cantrip.

This background is a good choice for characters who are interested in learning and knowledge. It is also a good choice for characters who want to be able to cast spells.


There are a number of magic items that can give you the ability to borrow knowledge. These items include:

  • Tome of Clear Thought: This book grants you a +2 bonus to Intelligence checks.
  • Headband of Intellect: This headband grants you a +2 bonus to Intelligence.
  • Decanter of Endless Water: This decanter can produce an unlimited amount of water. You can also use it to cast the Water Walk spell once per day.
These items can be very useful for characters who want to improve their intelligence or gain access to new spells.
